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Lumi EyesⓇ

Lumi eyes for dark circles under the eye and rejuvenation for under eye bags

Lumi EyesⓇ destroys dark circles and discolouration under the eyes. It moisturises and fights fine wrinkles, as well as smoothing and lifting the skin under the eyes. As a tissue booster it has a proven rejuvenating effect. It is designed to be administered via needle mesotherapy under and around the eyes as well as in the tear valley. 

Lumi Eyes stimulates skin cells, collagen and elastin. It improves the firmness, density and quality of the skin as well as strengthening the skin.


It repairs damage to the dermis and stimulates the skin to self-regenerate. Lumi Eyes contains polynucleotide (PDRN) which affects the repair of cells with a strong tissue regenerating effect.


The effect of the treatment is strong hydration and rejuvenation of the tissue, as well as the reduction of symptoms of fatigue, skin blueing and discolouration. 


Lumi Eyes allows you to achieve a fantastic effect after just one treatment. For best results, it is recommended to perform a series of 3 treatments with an interval of 4 weeks and then repeat the treatment twice year. 

Treatment time is 45 minutes


£130.00/1 treatment

£240.00/2 treatments

£340.00/3 treatments

Lumi EyesⓇ: Services
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